Friday, May 7, 2010

The Need to Hate

There are people I know who seem to love to hate. They have a list of grievances against someone and they always look for new items to add to it. Even if a person is totally innocent and has no idea that they have offended, the hateful person records the insult and files it in their head.

Whenever the person who insulted them is thought of or mentioned in a conversation, out comes the list which is reviewed in its entirety and discussed with who ever will listen to the rants of a hateful person.

Many times revenge is plotted or a plan is schemed to insult, blatantly ignore, or even begin to spread rumors about the person who has offended them.

For a long time I would just shake my head at this type of behavior. I could not understand feuds, long arguments, vengeful attitudes, or hate. I enjoyed people and exploring new ideas and cultures. I didn’t have time to dwell on such things because the whole world was waiting to be explored and I wanted to see it all.

After traveling around the world and meeting many new people, exploring new ideas, experiencing new cultures, I too have learned to hate. In fact I have surprised myself at just how hateful I have become. Anger and hate have filled me to the fullest. It feels my mind, body, my soul, and makes me fighting mad. I have and will continue to plan revenge against the 3 things I hate so violently: poverty, ignorance, and injustice.

In this modern world it is impossible for my mind to believe that we still have people who go hungry every day. We still have children who are turned away from schools and cannot get an education because they haven’t got the few dollars it takes to pay school fees. Many still die from AIDs when the medicines are available but they haven’t enough money to purchase them. These are the things that fill me with anger and I know that they fill God with anger too!

But how can I fight injustice or change poverty or defeat ignorance? One person at a time! So I plan to fight these 3 things for the rest of my life.

Maybe you’re one of those people who need to find something hate. I encourage you to do just that but make sure you hate the rights things like poverty, ignorance, and injustice. Also, while you hate these things begin to fight them by helping someone else. Becoming a sponsor of a child in the TOUCH program is a great way to fight all of these in one knock out punch!


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