Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Often Untold Story of Children in Disasters

As the world responds to the earthquake in Haiti, our thoughts are focused on the immediate needs of food, water, medical care, and rescue efforts. But there is another disaster looming for Haiti's children.

As if worry over food and shelter wasn't enough. As if the trauma of all they have seen and experienced in this week was not enough. Children in Haiti face a danger that is only rarely spoken of.

Even before the earthquake, poverty provided opportunity for evil men to steal children and traffic them for labor or sex. Human trafficking is always a very real and present danger to children in poverty all over the world. Now, with all of society's safeguards in chaos and aid workers overwhelmed by the immediate life-and-death needs, Haitian children are in dire need of protection from human traffickers who will target them because of the desperate situation. The Atlantic published a story this week about how human traffickers respond immediately to the opportunity natural disasters provide.

Friends of TOUCH does not have a presence in Haiti, but we are asking you to pray specifically for protection for Haiti's children during this critical time. We also encourage you to give as you see fit to organizations at work there. The Christian Alliance for Orphans has a list of member organizations that you can trust working in Haiti.

Our God is able to sustain the children and to protect them.
We are praying that workers in Haiti will be able to provide protection from traffickers. We are asking for safeguards to prevent people from simply walking into a field hospital and pretending to be a relative. We are praying for God's hand to defeat the schemes of the wicked, and for the children's protection and deliverance from them.

Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
       protect me from men of violence
       who plan to trip my feet.
(Psalm 140:4)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Integrity and Determination

We're really thankful for our donors, and we want to treat you right. Recently we're getting phone calls asking about year-end statements. We mailed them out today, so you can expect them in a day or two.

Again, we are grateful for your giving. It's been a rough year for so many, but we've seen so many of you dig in your heels and refuse to give in to recession. You've been determined to help, and you've made a difference:
  • Many sponsors tell us that their sponsor check is among the first they write each month. Making it a priority ensures they never forget to send in that $35 each month.
  • Volunteers spend time praying over each child by name.
  • Several of you increased your monthly giving to stabilize the feeding program.
  • You've written precious notes of encouragement for the children and to our staff - thank you!
  • Some of you took hard financial hits and had to reduce pledges for a while, but you've not forgotten us as you recovered.
Truly you are a group with integrity and determination. We are blessed by your prayers and your encouragement as well as by your financial gifts. You have brought so much hope into the lives of children and families in Uganda.

Workers in Uganda are doing home visits this month, prior to the beginning of a new school year in February. They report that the community has taken note of the positive change in their children. TOUCH is not just keeping children in school, the program is also helping families by lifting some of the burden of feeding, and by providing all-day supervision while caregivers work.

Thank you again for making this possible. As of today, 140 of the 400 children at TOUCH are sponsored. We are praying that we will find sponsors for all of the children within the first quarter of 2010. You can help by spreading the word - download a brochure and tell your friends, link to us from your blog or Facebook, invite us to your church or school or civic group.

Thank you!